Sunday, June 21, 2009

Museum Negeri Sri Baduga , Museum & Education

l. BKR No. 185 Bandung
Bandung - 40243
West Java, Indonesia

: +62 22 52109

GPS Coordinate :
6o 56'15.59" S 107o 36'12.96" E

Description :

To which will pay a visit, Museum Sri Baduga opened on Monday - Friday at 08.00 - 15.00 WIB, Saturday - Sunday at 08.00 - 14.00 WIB, other national red letter day of cover.

Museum Country "Sri Baduga" which located in joint streets of B.K.R. 185 Tegallega and deal with Monument of Bandung Ocean Fire blazed the way by since year 1974 by exploiting building and farm is ex- office of Wadana Tegallega. Building of Museum in form of long roof building and typical podium house of allied West Java with modern architecture style; as for its] original building remain to be defended and functioned as white collars room. This Museum have very collection wide of hitting artistic goods of West Java forceps culture relate to biology, ethnography, archaeology, numismatic, philology, dermatology, artistic of technology and purification.

In a flash about Museum Sri Baduga
First phase of development finished in the year 1980, opened on 5 June by Minister of Education and Culture, Dr. David Yusuf and called by Museum Country Province West Java.

Museum Area which is tired broadness 8.415,5 m2 divided to become two shares; regional of public (area public), including exhibition building and auditorium and region open public (non area public), including white collars room Head of Museum, Sub Units Arrange Effort, Working Team Tuition and of Education, Working Team Conservation and of Preparation and also Working Team Collection (including in it Depository Building of Collection).

Ten years later, name of museum provided with name "Sri Baduga" taken away from by the name of Sudanese king which is have throne to in Pakwan Pajajaran about century of 16th Masehi. This Name is] decanted in Slate inscription (Bogor) completely written by SRI BADUGA EMPEROR QUEEN of HAJI I PAKWAN PAJAJARAN SRI QUEEN DEITY.

As public Museum which have collection of type collect Geologic, Biologic, Ethnographic, Archeological, Historic, Numismatic / heraldic, Illogic, Ceramic, Fine Arts and this Technology, is noted not less counted 5.367 collection; many is clump collection of Ethnographic related to cultural objects of area. Amount of the collection do not limited to form of realty (original) is but provided with replica collection, miniature, photo, and maket. The Collection objects besides displayed in exhibition remain to, is also documented with system computerize and kept depository in bond collection.

To be more improve energy of appreciation society to museum, various activity have been run, both for having the character of self-supporting activity and or activity cooperation having the character of to pass by quickly sector with various governmental institution, private sector, and also foreign institute; among others in the form of management of transient exhibition, exhibition circle, exhibition along with museum from various province, assorted of race for the level of student, discourse, seminar, workshop, etcetera.

Because growth of role and its function as means or place in supporting education, adding knowledge, and recreation; Museum Country Province "Sri Baduga" West Java execute to renovate to arranging permanence exhibition step by step start year 1989 up to year 1992, following extension of new showroom in floor three.

Hereinafter presentation of collection arranged in such a manner and strive visitor to can obtain picture about journey of cultural and natural history of West Java, pattern and its manner, and also growth phases and also its change.

Subdividing divided to become; floor one representing growth appearance early from cultural and natural history of West Java. In arranging this exhibition is depicted by natural history which is West Java history background, for example by presenting objects omission of handmade from a period to Prehistory till era Hindu - Buddha.

Hereinafter in both floor covering traditional cultural exhibition items in the form of pattern life of society, life living, commerce, and transportation; cultural influence of Islam and Europe, history struggle of nation, and sub-province area devices and town of West Java. As for floor three, demonstrate ethnography collection in the form of manner form and function is place of, artistry, and foreign ceramic.

Museum Sri Baduga
Ten rust colored palm leaf network sheets is cacao flung out vertical and glued to wood wall behind a fairish glass cupboard around 1x1, 5 meter. In each leaf sheet which its age possible have hundreds of that year, lapped over is natty of letter bas-relief and Ancient Javanese. Below open sheet, seen copy heap of other palm leaf as thick as about 10 centimeter. A briefest boldness sound "History Prophet of Yusuf" attached by below overall of copy.

Copy of palm leaf, in cupboard there are two again codex. Color both have turned yellow is matt. Even some of among others eaten by moth so that leave perforated secondhand. One copy in made frontage of paper which is elementary materials of cortex of Saeh write down letter of cacarakan and have Javanese to and Ancient Sundanese. According to existing boldness, its contents are Chronicle of Pajajaran. Meanwhile, copy exist in made back of paper of Daluang have, letter, and Ancient Javanese. Existing a leaf of Boldness mention that copy of Sargah Seven.

That's three on file codex collection in Museum Country of Sri Baduga, Walker BKR Number 185, and Bandung. According to philologist (science about copy / article) local museum, Tien Wartini, 56 year, his side not yet translated third copy. Even so there is a little attached boldness in glass cupboard, for example History Prophet title of Yusuf, that of cause he have time to read part of early copy. But, yes, only limited to that. Its contents more complete, Tien not yet known. Meanwhile, Chronicle Pajajaran, according to its boldness, there are some line. Merely, that not a result of side activity of museum. "That boldness is we earn from one who render copy, namely Mr. Yosep Iskandar," he said, moment met by Tempo of News Room, Thursday (1 / 4).

Outside three that copy, there is still more than 100 other copy which is its same chance. Is altogether kept by in Museum Sri Baduga limited to becoming ancient monument, but not yet can be opened by sure content of him. According To Kusnadi Adiwidjaja, Sexy Head of Protection of Museum Sri Baduga, from totalizing 137 copies, his side it is true newly translate 15 just. In one year, mean translated by two copy.

Of course, that a sorrowful news for the man who wish to know cutoffs of history Upgrade Sunda and its surroundings. That thing is, for example, voiced by Nunun Nurhayati, staff on duty Culture and Tourism West Java. "I predict, its translation have to be quickened. Because, that copy becomes one of the sources of Sunda identity," she said.

Outside problem of fund, reason of telling about the duration translation process is the limited philology in Museum Sri Baduga. In this time, there merely there is two philology, namely Tien Wartini, and Sri Mulyati. Not to mention technical consideration of activity. "To translate, we must extra research and beware of. Enunciated, altogether old goods," say Tien, what one year again enter a period to pension.

As real as, side of museum non-neglecting to that translation process. Merely, its ability, is mentioned, one year most two just copy which translated. Anyway, compared to museum in other area, according to Jaenuddin, Head Hall Management of Museum Sri Baduga, its effort counted still nicely." Enunciated, altogether have to assort, energy goodness and also expense. Because, besides codex collection, we still have nine collection of non-copy which also has to manage," he said.

Seething with excitement, if Tien pension have to next year, available fair to middling philology past master in fact, for example from University of Padjadjaran. In this time even also some people from them have conducted grounding in Museum Sri Baduga. "I have spoken to lecturer counselor off student which is free worker, 'this of, there is field job.' Please be exploited," word of Jaenuddin.

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