Friday, June 26, 2009

The City Parks

The City Parks

"Paradisi in sole paradisus terrestris" Jon Parkinson, 1629

Since the Dwhich were made in the 1920's are Taman Maluku (Molukkenpark), Taman Citarum (Tjitaroemplein), Tamanutch times, Bandung already has many parks which were made for the beauty of the city. The city parks in Bandung Pramuka (Oranjeplein), Taman Ganeca (Ijzermanpark), Taman lalulintas (Insulindepark), Taman Balaikota/Merdeka (Pieter Sijthoffpark), Taman Cibeunying (Tjibeunjingplantsoen), Taman Kebon Binatang / Taman Sari (Jubileumpark), etc.

Taman Cibeunying (Tjibeunjingplantsoen)

It is located at Cibeunying street, around Gedung Sate complex. This beautiful parks is stretch along a length. There is the footpath for pedestrian and the small river inside.

Taman Balaikota (Pieterspark)

This park is located at Merdeka street, in the center of Bandung city. The photos were taken from the same spot in 1931 (top) and 1999 (below). You can see the cathedral church in the background, the oldest church in the city.

Taman Maluku (Molukkenpark)

It is located at the intersection Aceh Street and Maluku Street. There is a pond with the white lotus and the fountain in the middle of this park. This park has one guard, H.O. Verbraak (1835-1918) statue (right photo) .

Ganeca Park (Ijzermanpark)

It is located at Ganeca Street, in the front of Bandung Instiute of Technology (ITB). This park has a pond with fountain also. In the upper section of the park, there is the half-circled platform. In the past, from this platform we can see the beautiful mountain range scenery; Manglayang Mountain (1611 m.), Tampomas Mountain (1683 m.), Mandalawangi Mountain (1650 m.), Graha Mountain (1159 m.), Jaya Mountain (2416 m.), Ppandayan Mountain (2660 m.), Kendang Mountain (2607 m.), Masigit Mountain (2076 m.), Dayeuhluhur Mountain (1010 m.), and Lalakon Mountain (970 m.), from the east toward the south until the west of Bandung. But currently we can not have the view like that. In 1928 (top), we can see two ITB buildings and Tangkuban Perahu mountain in the background (The north of Bandung), but now (below) those are covered by the denseness of the trees.

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